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(also known as SOVA)

Aims: to ensure that the learner has the knowledge and understanding of how to recognise and report abuse within the workplace, ensuring they are working to the local Multiagency Safeguarding Adults Procedures.

Objectives: the learner should be able to:

❖  Define the different types of adult abuse and the recognition features of each one.

❖  Describe how to deal with the disclosure of adult abuse and the process to follow.

❖  State the legislation they may need to be aware of with regards to adult abuse.

❖  Identify the support available following disclosure.


Aims: to ensure that the learner has the knowledge and understanding of how to recognise and report child abuse within the workplace, ensuring they are working to the local Multiagency Safeguarding Children Procedures.


Objectives: the learner should be able to:

❖  Define the different types of child abuse and the recognition features of each one

❖  Describe how to deal with the disclosure of child abuse and the process to follow

❖  State the legislation they may need to be aware of with regards to child abuse.

❖  Identify the support available following disclosure.

Safeguarding and Dignity in Care (Full Day)

Aims: to ensure that the learner has the knowledge and understanding of how to recognise and report abuse within the workplace, ensuring they are working to the local Multiagency Safeguarding Adults and/or Children Procedures. To gain knowledge and improved understanding of what dignity is and how this is applied in the service provision.

Objectives: the learner should be able to:

  • Define the different types of adult abuse and the recognition features of each one.

  • Describe how to deal with the disclosure of adult abuse and the process to follow.

  • State the legislation they may need to be aware of with regards to adult abuse.

  • Identify the support available following disclosure.

  • Describe what dignity is and recognise undignified approaches.

  • Explain how dignity can be implemented in the service provision.

  • Define person centred thinking, planning and reviews and outline their key features.

  • Outline the relevant legislation and national and local policies that underpin dignified ways of working.

  • Reflect on real life examples of poor dignity and devise strategies that are person centred.  

Safeguarding, Respect for Equality and Diversity:  gender inequality, homophobia, biphobia and transphobia awareness (Full Day)

Aims: to ensure that the learner has the knowledge and understanding of how to recognise and report abuse within the workplace, ensuring they are working to the local Multiagency Safeguarding Adults and/or Children Procedures. To gain knowledge and improved understanding of what equality and diversity and the protocol to follow to prevent and reduce sexism, homophobia, biphobia and transphobia in the service provision.

Objectives: the learner should be able to:

  • Define the different types of adult abuse and the recognition features of each one.

  • Describe how to deal with the disclosure of adult abuse and the process to follow.

  • State the legislation they may need to be aware of with regards to adult abuse.

  • Identify the support available following disclosure.

  • Define equality, diversity, sexism, homophobia, biphobia and transphobia.

  • Explain what can be done to reduce gender inequality and increase awareness of anti-discrimination of protected Characteristics (LGBT) at work.

  • Outline legislation, local and national policy relevant to equality and diversity.

  • Reflect on real life examples of sexism, homophobia, biphobia and transphobia and devise strategies that comply to equality.

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