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Health and soial crare courses

Professional Social Care Practice (1 day)

Communication, Record keeping, documentation and Safeguarding (Adults)

This session is designed for those who would like to gain knowledge and skills in effective communication with all individuals involved in the service provision. How to record and document needs and safeguard others in the provision of care will also be part of the package. Respecting the core care values and the personalisation agenda will be part of the programme, too. In addition, learners will be given the knowledge and understanding of how to recognise and report abuse within the workplace, ensuring they are working to the local Multiagency Safeguarding Adults Procedures. Learners are expected to participate in multiple learning activities.

Objectives: the learner will be able to:

❖ Demonstrate effective verbal and non-verbal ways of communicating.

❖ Explain the purpose of care records.

❖ Clarify the types of records you are required to complete.

❖ Explain the legislation and guidance for data storing and processing.

❖ Define your accountability in this process, linking this to confidentiality.

❖ Demonstrate how to complete care records avoiding the common errors.

❖ Define the different types of abuse and the recognition features of each one.

❖ Describe how to deal with the disclosure of abuse and the process to follow.

❖ State the relevant legislation specific to types of abuse.

❖ Identify the support available following disclosure.

Professional Social Care Practice (1 day)

Communication, Record keeping, documentation and Safeguarding (Children)

This session is designed for those who would like to gain knowledge and skills in effective communication with all individuals involved in the service provision. How to record and document needs and safeguard others in the provision of care will also be part of the package. Respecting the core care values and the personalisation agenda will be part of the programme, too. In addition, learners will be given the knowledge and understanding of how to recognise and report abuse within the workplace, ensuring they are working to the local Multiagency Safeguarding Children Procedures. Learners are expected to participate in multiple learning activities.

Objectives: the learner will be able to:

❖ Demonstrate effective verbal and non-verbal ways of communicating.

❖ Explain the purpose of care records.

❖ Clarify the types of records you are required to complete

❖ Explain the legislation and guidance in relation to record keeping.

❖ Define your accountability in this process, linking this to confidentiality

❖ Demonstrate how to complete care records avoiding the common errors

❖ Define the different types of child abuse and the recognition features of each one

❖ Describe how to deal with the disclosure of abuse and the process to follow

❖ State the relevant legislation specific to types of child abuse.

❖ Identify the support available following disclosure.

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