Moving and Handling of People and imamate objects
Aims: to ensure the learner is working to current moving & handling guidelines, alleviate any poor techniques that they may have adopted & minimise the risk of injury to themselves & the client.
•Outline the legal responsibilities in relation to moving and handling.
•Explain the consequences of poor moving and handling practice and how this can affect our physiological state.
•Describe the principles of safe moving and handling
•Demonstrate safe moving and handling practice (Practical: lifting inanimate objects, sit to stand, siting to lying, different methods of using slide sheets, full body hoist, stand aid, rota stand)
Moving and Handling of the larger size patient (Bariatric).
Aims: to ensure the learner is working to current moving & handling guidelines, alleviate any poor techniques that they may have adopted & minimise the risk of injury to themselves & the client.
•Outline the legal responsibilities in relation to moving and handling.
•Explain the consequences of poor moving and handling practice and how this can affect our physiological state.
•Describe the principles of safe moving and handling
•Demonstrate safe moving and handling practice (specialising on bariatric equipment - bespoke to your needs)
The hire of a Bariatric suit is available