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  • Adam Rendell Bsc PGCE

Why choose North Care Training? Meeting Learners Needs

Having the right equipment is imperative in order to deliver a fair, structured and inclusive session. The image above shows some of the tools used during a moving and handling session. Each tool has a particular purpose during the session this is detailed below:

A lesson plan would have already been completed prior to the start of the session.

On a flipchart, each bullet pointed word outlines the main parts covered in the session. By using this framework the learner can anticipate what will be covered; also, the trainer is able to check and reflect on track and that every point is delivered.

Qualsafe Moving and Handling booklets are also handed out which provides each learner with guidance

during and after the session.

The anatomy and physiological aspects of moving and handling are engaging with the help of a human vertebra model. Asking questions such as, how many movable bones the spine have? Can make the session engaging; especially, if all do not know the answer. Allowing each learner to guess using mini whiteboards may create a fun way to find out who is closest to the correct answer.

It may also be good practice for the trainer to provide the learner with other relevant facts in relation to prolapsed discs and the spine.

By using this model the psychomotor domain could be part of the session. The movement of the vertebra may allow the learner to reflect how complex these bones can be.

The model of the spine is also noted in the Qualsafe Moving and Handling booklet; each part of the spine is sectioned and named.

A high performance laptop connected via HDMI to a short throw high definition projector on a projector/laptop table ensures the Trainer can easily access the laptop and present without the worry of compromising posture. This equipment should help avoid contradictions and enables the session to look professional, too.

A large projector screen (see image below) will allow learners to easily read (if the writing is in large font) or view footage; this will benefit learners with visual difficulties.

After delivering the theory The practical elements of the session were assessed, improved learner competency in moving and handling people and knowing the correct use of the moving and handling people equipment was the outcome. In this session a standing hoist, full body hoist, a rota stand and the correct use of a slide sheet was demonstrated. Learners could also use their Qualsafe moving and handling booklets as a guide.

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